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Refund Policy

Thank you for using PDF Candy! Your satisfaction with our online and offline products is our goal.

We are always looking forward to get the feedback from you. If you send us a message through contact form regarding some error, question or suggestion we'll try to help you as soon as possible. Normally we'd get in touch with you within 24-48 hours.

Please read the refund policy for PDF Candy Desktop PRO and PDF Candy PRO Online.

We provide full refund of your payment in the following cases:
  • If you are constantly encountering some error preventing you from using our services properly, and if we are not able to solve the problem within an acceptable period of time or are unable to suggest a temporary solution. (please note: refund is only given in the case if you cooperate with our Support and provide detailed information about your error such as screenshots of error messages, log files, detailed descriptions of your actions, file samples, etc.)
  • If you accidentally bought the license for the same software more than once within 14 days.
  • If your subscription autorenewal was a mistake and the refund was requested within 3 days after the order was placed.
We reserve the right to decline refund requests in the following cases:
  • If 30 or more days passed since the order took place.
  • If user demands a refund immediately after the purchase.
  • If no particular reasons given for the refund request.
  • If user requests a refund due to absence of features which are NOT in software's features list or description on our official website.
  • If software can not be used in full by a user due to the incompatibility with the software's system requirements; prior to completing the purchase, user is responsible for ensuring that the target PC meets the system requirements for the software provided on the website.
  • If user refuses to assist the support process.
Einen Plan auswählen
Desktop + Web Jährlich
Was ist enthalten?
  • Zugang zu PDF Candy Web
  • Zugang zu PDF Candy Desktop
  • Keine stündlichen Begrenzungen
  • Erhöhung der Dateigröße pro Aufgabe auf bis zu 500 MB
  • Verarbeitung mit hoher Priorität (keine Warteschlange)
  • Video Candy WEB
  • Image Candy WEB
Web Monatlich
Was ist enthalten?
  • Zugang zu PDF Candy Web
  • Keine stündlichen Begrenzungen
  • Erhöhung der Dateigröße pro Aufgabe auf bis zu 500 MB
  • Verarbeitung mit hoher Priorität (keine Warteschlange)
Desktop + Web Lebenslang
einmalige Zahlung
Was ist enthalten?
  • Zugang zu PDF Candy Web
  • Zugang zu PDF Candy Desktop